Friday, September 18, 2009

Passed the VCP4 (vcp410) exam today

I got an instructor level score, but that thing isn't easy. It's probably the most bizzare test i've ever taken. Most of the questions look like this:

You did X horribly wrong and against all best practices and recommendations.

Now you want to do Y.

What happens?

I dunno..I never did X wrong, so Y always works?

I'm just glad its over.


FLAGAWAX said...

Congrats ...

So this exam is more difficult than VCP 310 ?
... What are the Key points of the exam and your learning please ?

Anonymous said...

I failed my VCP4 by about 1.5 questions - AHHH!

I found some of the questions just obtuse - a lot of them I had to read two or three times - hardly anything from the config maximums at all.

One definitely through me, something about 'service hostd status' - don't know why but I know I got that one wrong.

FLAGAWAX said...

... Sorry ...
I'll try to pass VCP 410 in middle Octobre.... I juste finish to read "vSphere Basic System Administration" 374 pages ... Damned

Brian Smith said...

I think this exam was more difficult than the 310 exam because it is so obscure...

Brian Smith said...

The best tip I can give you is to say this, Just like anybody else's exam, you must know the new stuff. vNetwork Dist switches(how to use them, what kind of traffic shaping options you have, vApps, the new Licensing options, what is Enterprise Plus vs good old enterprise. Know the new FT and requirements. vShield Zones, VMSafe, etc.. Host profiles, Guided Consolidation, you know, just everything :)