if your ever stuck trying to use /nascmd/sbin/clariion_mgmt and the command just won’t go through, try this option -skip_rules
SRE, VMware Virtualization, vSphere, vCD, ESX, Configuration Management, Microsoft AD, Security, Networking, and about anything else..
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Change Celerra IP address
So I read a lot of Scott Lowe’s blog, and again he has the answer, but I needed just a bit more detail to make this work. Since i’m using his blog as a starting point i’ll reference it here. I also used this here from EMC
My Summary:
first, change the IP of the Celerra Manger, also known as the “control station”
Then change the IP of the SP’s with this command
/nasmcd/sbin/clariion_mgmt -start -spa_ip 128.221.ххх.ххх -spb_ip 128.221.ххх.ххх -use_proxy_arp
So a few things i’ll add
1) when using the clariion_mgmt tool, make sure to ssh as nasadmin, then su to root, if you ssh directly as root, the command might fail for you as it did for me with a “NAS_DB environment variable is not defined” message.
2) default passwords for nasadmin and root are “nasadmin”
3) when you setup a PPP connection to the Celerra or Clariion, do it this way:
Use the special EMC serial cable and the maintenance port on the back of the SP. Create a PPP dial up connection on your Windows laptop 115200 baud, HW flow control. Point a web browser to .
Username: clariion
Password: clariion!