To fix this, copy a working svchost.exe from a good XP 32 bit SP3 machine and reboot and your good to go.
I have a copy if you want it.
SRE, VMware Virtualization, vSphere, vCD, ESX, Configuration Management, Microsoft AD, Security, Networking, and about anything else..
To fix this, copy a working svchost.exe from a good XP 32 bit SP3 machine and reboot and your good to go.
I have a copy if you want it.
I’ve had a few remote people ask how to fix this on their own.
Login to your computer and abort the reboot by doing:
start/run , in that box type in “cmd” (no quotes)
This should bring up a black command box window
In that window type “shutdown /a” this means abort the shutdown.
Once that is done, Go to this website.
Download the sdat5957.exe to a known location, such as c:\ (root of your c drive)
in the black command window you opened earlier type in “c:\sdat5957.exe /F “ this will run the patch with a “Force downgrade” to the old version of McAfee Dat.
The bad version is 5958, so once 5959 is released, that will probably be a better option that installing 5957, but again it isn’t released yet.
If you can’t go to that website on your PC due to network issues, use a second computer to download the update to a USB key or burn to a blank CD and then use that on your effected PC to repair it.
Good Luck,
I hope they publish the SuperDat for 5959 soon.
It’s really nice that windows has a 20 character username limit, but when you create one longer it doesn’t warn you, it just happily accepts the username that will never work. Yes there is a registry hack to allow windows to allow longer names, but cmon..put some intelligence into ADUC..